Sara HarrisMar 10, 2022Episode 23 - 'Life-changing' Fertility Awareness Method, with Paula Andras.For Paula, learning the Fertility Awareness Method was 'life-changing' and supported in more ways than she initially expected.
Sara HarrisMar 10, 2022Episode 20 - Is the Copper IUD a 'better' choice than the Mirena?What is the difference between the Copper IUD (intra-uterine device) and the Hormonal IUD?
Sara HarrisMar 10, 2022Does The Pill change your brain?There is growing evidence to suggest that the use of the pill and other contraceptives is having a significant effect on women’s brains...
Sara HarrisMar 10, 2022Episode 18 - Ways to ‘know’ (& NOT know) when you ovulate.This episode is discussing the ways to KNOW when you ovulate. We can know this, the ACTUAL day of ovulation, just like we know our period
Sara HarrisMar 10, 2022Episode 10 - Self-Worth & Period Pain, with Elodie DarwishIn this episode I am talking with Elodie, who shares her personal experience with severe period pain and how the lifestyle changes she made
Sara HarrisMar 10, 2022Episode 9 - Your 3 Main Fertile Signs - every woman needs to know.In this episode I'm going to talk you through your 3 main fertile signs - something every woman should know about!
Sara HarrisMar 10, 2022Episode 7 - In the Name of The Pill, with Mike GaskinsAn epic interview with author of 'In the Name of The Pill' Mike Gaskins, on all things hormonal contraception.